Iconic Projects
Type: Government Projects
Commitent: GCBA
Project: Arq. Edgardo Minond
Start Date: 2014
End Date: Work in progress
Surface: 22.868 m2
A new venue for international conventions and events for the city of Buenos Aires.
This project involved the demolition of the old municipal exhibition center and the construction in its place of a new modern expo center and park. In order to blend in with the green parks which surround it, a vast underground space with green rooftops was designed which opens onto large English courtyards. The proposed new park is a visual continuation of neighboring Thays Park and features a network of hills and connecting trails with rest areas and scenic overlooks. In this manner the new expo center "disappears" into the surrounding greenery like one of many parks having only minimal, strategically placed structural protrusions.
Avanza en Recoleta la obra del nuevo centro de exposiciones. Read
El auditorio más grande del país, a un paso de ser realidad. Read
Centro de Exposiciones porteño: la obra de un edificio casi invisible. Read
Avanza una gran obra que le cambiará la cara a Recoleta. Read
El auditorio más grande del país, a un paso de ser realidad. Read